Jorden Boom Search Engine Optimization
Jorden Boom Specialist in Search Engine Optimization
Dozens of succesfull web sites
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Jorden Boom
Experience: Started at the days when Google had 4% marketshare, 1999, Jorden Boom has been successfully generated top ranking in search engines for dozens of websites. Read More
Essential: A starting Ecommerce business can not do without. The only way to get targeted potential clients to the web site without spending a fortune.
Know-how: Jorden Boom has extensive know-how in Internet marketing and has practical experience with ecommerce.

Pay-per-Click Adverting

Good reasons for pay-per-click advertising are:

Fast: within hours top ranking is guaranteed in Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Google, Ask Jeeeves and more search engines
Targeted: Pay-per-click means you only pay when a potential client (or not potentail!!) search for exactly the keywords related to your siweb site and then click on the link to your web site






Good reasons to NOT USE pay-per-click advertising are:

Many not related clicks
Many people like to sell you something instead of buying
Google, Yahoo search Marketing (was Overture), Looksmart, Findhwat do NOT very clearly say where your listings come up.

Looksmart: Somewhere you will appear!!!??? They do not have an aswer to that questio

Content Match, as used by many of these companies, is significant less effective then the click from the Goolge, Yahoo and MSN web site. Content Match clcicks can come from everybody's web site with some keyword on it!


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Top Ranking in Yahoo, MSN & Google
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Jorden Boom . International Search Engine Optimization . San Diego . California. USA Web Design